祥龙辞岁,金蛇纳福!中国农历新年的钟声即将敲响,在这阖家团圆的美好时刻,感谢每一位EVO视讯官方人的努力和付出,感谢每一位EVO视讯官方家属给予的支持和信任,给大家拜年了!Happy Chinese New Year!
2024年,全球经济复苏乏力,地缘政治冲突不断,面对重重困难,EVO视讯官方人坚守“为客户创造价值”的初心,以“线下PlantMate 5S店+线上 PlantMart 商城”一站式工业服务新模式,贴近市场、聆听需求,把用户变成老朋友,深度黏合,携手共进。不断突破技术难题,变革商业模式,迎难而上、一路向前!
2025年,我们要坚定不移地推进“烈火计划INFERNO”,坚持做难而正确的事,Nothing Is Impossible! 唯有勇气与决心,才能打开希望的大门;唯有放下过去的包袱,才是建设未来的唯一途径。
EVO视讯官方创始人 褚健
Striving Towards the Era of Industrial AI | New Year Greetings to All SUPCONers
Dear SUPCONers,
As we bid farewell to the Year of the Dragon and welcome the Year of the Snake, the Chinese Lunar New Year is upon us. In this joyful season of family reunion, I want to thank you for your dedication and contributions, and a special thanks to the families of all SUPCONers for their unwavering support and trust. Wishing you all a Happy Chinese New Year!
The year 2024 represents a critical juncture in the evolution of global AI technology. SUPCON has honed in on the core needs of industrial enterprises, embarking on an industrial AI strategic transformation. Through our "1+2+N" Smart Plant Architecture, we have integrated intelligence to manufacturing. Our launch of the "4+1" intelligent production process solutions refines each step to boost efficiency and reduce waste. We have also introduced two groundbreaking strategic products: the Universal Control System (UCS) and the Time-series Pre-trained Transformer (TPT), making impossible to reality and opening a new chapter in SUPCON's "Industrial AI" journey.
Throughout 2024, despite economic sluggishness and geopolitical tensions, SUPCONers have stayed true to our mission of "Creating Value for Customers." Our innovative one-stop industrial service model, which combines the "PlantMate 5S Store" with the "PlantMart Platform," has kept us close to the market, allowing us to respond to customer needs and forge lasting partnerships. SUPCONers maintained our commitment to innovation, resolving technological hurdles and transforming business models. Together, we embraced adversity, pushing forward toward growth.
The year 2024 was a year that was both challenging and full of hope..We constantly insight
into customer needs and continued to advance the integration of 5T technologies(Automation Technology,Information Technology,Process Technology,Operation Technology,Equipment technology), AI iterations, and ecosystem collaboration. We actively promoted the innovative "PlantMembership Subscription Model," creating value for users, significantly lowering software usage costs for our users. In our digital transformation journey, we achieved notable progress by developing a "BA+AI" integrated capability, crafting industrial AI applications and a panoramic blueprint to accelerate the digital transformation of various industries. Our efforts to expand into international markets resulted in significant breakthroughs, especially in high-end sectors, marking a remarkable leap in our global brand influence.
On this occasion, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to every SUPCONer for your dedication and hard work. I also sincerely thank our valued customers, leaders, industry experts, peers, and friends for your unwavering support and encouragement. Thank you!
"Those who work will succeed, and those who walk will arrive at their destination." As we face an unprecedented historical opportunity, AI technology is ushering in a revolution in digital intelligence. The race for technological advancement demands speed and innovation.
In 2025, we must embrace our mission with fervor, accelerating our journey into industrial AI. We will drive innovation in new technologies and products, expedite the application of AI solutions, and embed innovative thinking into all aspects of our daily operations, thereby empowering customer success and fostering industry transformation.With a key focus on strategic leadership, mindset transformation, and team development, we will expedite our transition and achieve a thorough transformation.
In the year 2025, we will steadfastly advance the "INFERNO Initiative," adhering to the principle of doing what is challenging yet right. Nothing Is Impossible. It is only through courage and determination that we can unlock new opportunities. Releasing past burdens is the only way to build a brighter future.
The year 2024 was marked by significant milestones, with every achievement hard-earned. As we move into the new year, 2025, we will continue to steadfastly promote reform and strategic transformation. As a public company, SUPCON must be a standardized, modernized, and globalized enterprise. I hope every SUPCONer embraces an open mindset, innovative thinking, and pragmatic actions to achieve resilient growth alongside the company. Let's work together to foster deeper integration with ecosystem partners and elevate SUPCON's brand influence. Through our joint efforts,SUPCON will undoubtedly become a globally leading company that continues to achieve extraordinary results and earn the respect of others!
As the Chinese New Year dawns, may vast horizons and bright paths await us.
Finally, I sincerely wish everyone, including our customers and ecosystem partners, good health, success in your work, and happiness for your families in the year ahead!
Founder of SUPCON 褚健
January 28, 2025 (Chinese New Year's Eve), in Hangzhou